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GUEST BLOG: Why to Use a Paralegal When Dealing with the Landlord and Tenant Board

Jan 12, 2021
A woman is sitting on a couch reading a letter.

Navigating the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board can be confusing for both landlords and tenants. Recent changes to legislation, as well as a backlog due to the lengthy shutdown from March to August in 2020, have made it even more challenging. In this month’s guest blog, a landlord and recent client relates her experience and why it is so beneficial to use the services of a paralegal when dealing with the Landlord and Tenant Board.

As a single parent with one income, buying a home was always a dream for me. When I found a wonderful duplex for sale in 2015, I jumped at the opportunity to become both a homeowner and a landlord, renting out the second unit to cover my mortgage. The experience was mainly positive, until late 2020. Unrelated to COVID-19, my tenant decided to stop paying rent, stop communications and started behaving in a way that was unsafe for my daughter and I. I knew that I needed to start the process to have him evicted and, once I started doing my research, I knew that I couldn’t do it alone. I have seen horror stories in the news of landlords locked in cases with their tenants for months, even years, due to incomplete forms and improper filings. That’s when I called Christina De Palma at De Palma & Associate.

Christina took care of everything for me, from making sure that the right forms were filled out and filed completely and correctly, to negotiating the final outcome with my tenant and representing me at our virtual Tribunal hearing. I had MANY questions and concerns and Christina was always able to assure me. I am now in the process of repairing and renovating my rental unit. When it comes time to rent it again, I will definitely be using Christina to draw up the new lease agreement. Using a paralegal when navigating the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board is a small investment for peace of mind!

With offices located in Barrie and Wasaga Beach, De Palma & Associate provides legal representation for Small Claims Court cases, landlord and tenant disputes, traffic tickets, United States entry waivers, criminal pardons (record suspensions), notary services, mediation and document commissioning throughout the Georgian Bay area and the GTA. If you have any questions or require mediation or legal representation, give us a call at De Palma & Associate at 705-429-2401.

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